The Qingdao explosion prompted a year-long review of the national pipeline network. 青岛爆燃事故引发了持续一年的全国管网评估。
The underground pipeline network in the area has been suspended since the explosions. 发生爆炸以来,这一地区的地下管道网络已经停用。
Conditions for access to Municipal Reclaimed water pipeline network are reserved. 预留由市政中水管网供给的接入条件。
Study on the Parameters and Resistance of Low-Elevation Long-Distance Backfilling Pipeline Network 低高程长距离充填输送管网参数及阻力研究
The plot targeted the pipeline network feeding jet fuel to Kennedy Airport and never got passed the planning stages. 这个计划的目的是想把输送到肯尼迪机场的飞机燃料的管道网络搅乱,但绝不会得逞。
Common Defaults in Gas Pipeline Network Measurement Mapping and Their Analysis 燃气管网测绘成图中的常见错误及分析
Optimizing the Operation of Natural Gas Pipeline Network by Particle Swarm Optimization 用微粒群算法实现天然气管网运行最优化
Gas Consumption Forecast for Long-term Planning of City Gas Pipeline Network 城市燃气管网长期规划用气量的预测
Natural gas pipeline network, demanding gigantic investment and operating costs, is one of the most important infrastructures in the natural gas industry. 天然气管网是天然气工业的重要基础设施之一,投资巨大,运行费用高。
Design and Implementation of the Oilfield Pipeline Network Monitoring Information System 油田管网监控信息系统的设计与实现
Study on Optimization for Oilfield Water Injection Pipeline Network Based on Particle Swarm Optimization 基于粒子群算法的油田注水管网优化研究
The Optimal Inversion Research of Natural Gas Pipeline Network's Hydraulic Resistance Coefficient 天然气管网管段阻抗系数优化反演研究
The function characteristics of this system, the database structure of this system, the realistic meaning and the development spaces of wastewater discharge pipeline network GIS were discussed. 论述了系统的数据库结构、统的功能特点及排水管网地理信息系统存在的现实意义和发展空间。
The feature and the effect of tangent pump to the pipeline network of fire system are presented. 介绍了切线泵的特点及其对消防给水管网带来的一些变化。
AMR Analysis in the Gas Transmission and Distribution Pipeline Network Analysis and Application 无线集中抄表在燃气输配管网分析及应用
Research and Application of 3-D Urban Underground Pipeline Network Information System 三维城市地下管线信息系统研究与应用
The Risk Assessment and Risk Protection Research on Natural Gas Pipeline Network System Discussion on the Precautions of Accounting Information System Security Problems under Internet 天然气管网系统风险评价与防范技术研究浅谈网络环境下会计信息系统的风险与防控
Study on Seismic Reliability of Urban Buried Pipeline Network Systems 城市地下管网系统的地震可靠性研究
This paper studies the status quo of pipeline network programming in the facet of object, principle, content and method of oil and gas pipeline network programming. 从油气管网规划工作的目的、原则、内容和方法几个方面研究了管网规划的现状。
Design and Development of Urban Drainage Pipeline Network Information System Based on GIS Technological Platform 基于GIS技术平台的城市排水管网信息系统设计开发
Application of Geographical Information and Electronic Marking System to Gas Pipeline Network 地理信息与电子标志系统在燃气管网的应用
Discussion on city gas pipeline network information system based on GIS 基于GIS技术的城市煤气管网信息系统探讨
Study on the Building of the Gas Pipeline Network Early Warning System in Tianjin Based on GIS 基于GIS天津市燃气管网预警系统的构建研究
The National Transitional Council in Benghazi says that it has now taken control of key parts of a major pipeline network south of Tripoli, known as the Great Man-Made River. 班加西全国过渡委员会表示,他们现在已经控制了的黎波里南部主要管道大人工河的关键部分。
A pipe hydraulic resistance coefficient model for natural gas pipeline network is established based on positive and negative analytic approach. 采用正反分析法建立了天然气管网管段阻抗系数优化反演的数学模型。
Natural gas pipeline network is a natural monopoly and the lack of effective supervision will damage the interests of consumers. 但是天然气输送管网具有自然垄断性,缺乏有效监管将损害消费者利益。
Design Scheme of Pipeline Network in Tieling Commercial Crude Reserve Base 铁岭原油商业储备库工艺管网设计方案
According to the character of pipeline network data, a new spatial dada concept model and organization model are designed. 针对地下管网数据的特点,设计了管网数据概念模型和组织模型;
The application of LRS in data management of urban underground pipeline network LRS在城市地下管网数据管理中的应用
Application of LNG in peak-shaving of city gas pipeline network LNG在苏州城市管网供气调峰中的应用